My Fingers Hurt
What. A. Weekend. Seriously. Shout out to my homegirls: Ma, and my sissy, Laurie.
Left to right: Me, Ma, and Laurie. Photo: Oliver
We got through just about every single room in the house. The 30-yard dumpster is full and there is still enough left over for another dumpster... and an epic yard sale.
We found this old coin bank and busted it open. Silverrrrr! Arrr!
It was great to have my family up to help. We sorted almost every room in the house. Minus the attic. That will be a fall endeavor when it isn't an oven up there!
This week the painters finished up the two sides of the house with peeling paint. The asbestos has been removed from the basement pipes and the boiler. Today the exterminator comes for the termites in the garage. This weekend brings more cleaning and sorting in the house. Hopefully the new dumpster will arrive so we can continue removing garbage and old beds!!!